Healthcare Professionals - Let's beat the burnout!

FREE 5-day Find Your Energy Challenge
This challenge is now complete. Want access to the replay? Sign up and you will get it in your inbox.

Hello my fellow therapists, nursing, doctors, and all friends working in healthcare! Our jobs are stressful and draining. If you find yourself never feeling rested or having energy for life outside work, join us to learn quick and easy ways to boost energy. Goodbye fatigue, hello energy for life again!

Busy on these dates? No problem, join us and get access all the information!

Let's get our energy back!

Fill out this form to get access to the replay of the 5-day challenge from May 2023.

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    Katie Cooper

    Certified Health Coach

    Katie Cooper Wellness

    Who am I?

    Katie Cooper is a mom, healthcare professional and certified health coach with over 14 years' experience. After experiencing severe burnout and overcoming it, she is on a mission to help others overcome stress and burnout and regain energy and passion for life and work.

    What will you learn?

    • Banish the burnout to regain your energy.
    • Foods to fuel your body.
    • Movement activities that increase energy and passion.